Welcome to Spectrum, Devon’s first choir for LGBT+ people and their friends who enjoy singing.
If you sing in the shower or at the traffic lights, come sing with us!
If someone told you that you can’t sing when you were 13 then come and let us give you a second opinion!
We’re an inclusive community choir, so there’s no audition and you don’t need to read music. Our aims are to have fun together, to sing uplifting songs and to build and celebrate our community.
During our term times, we meet every Tuesday in Exeter Community Centre at 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Generally the first session of every term are open to all – so please come along and sing with us!
If you enjoy your time at one of our open “drop-in” sessions, you’re welcome to join us as a member. During the middle part of the term, we’re learning and practising new songs together, and our members try to attend every week.
To hear about upcoming events, drop-ins and other information – join our mailing list! And for information on our term dates and fees please contact Emily on emroblyn@gmail.com