Hand in Hand is the UK and Ireland’s LGBT Choir Festival. We’re delighted to be one of more than 25 choirs from all over the British Isles who’ll be taking part in the 2019 festival.
Running every 2 years, 2019’s festival spans Fri 16th, Sat 17th and Sun 18th August. The festival is based in St David’s Hall, Cardiff and promises a long weekend of singing, workshops, partying and much more!
As well as performances in St David’s Hall, Hand in Hand will be running public events across the city with plans including Cardiff Bay and City Centre venues.
General information
Want to come along to the festival? Head to the Hand in Hand website for full information.
Interested in what Spectrum are up to? Keep an eye on the News and Events section and our Facebook page for general updates!
Information for the choir
Schedule and Important Info
You can find the schedule and important info below:
Minimum commitment
We’re really excited for Hand in Hand and hope you are too.
For us to be at our best, you must commit to both the Late Spring and Summer terms in April – July. You must attend at least 9 of the 13 sessions in these two terms.
You must also be available to attend a dress rehearsal in Exeter Community Centre on the evening of Tuesday August 13th.
Bursary fund
Cardiff ain’t cheap, we know. The costs of registration, travel and accommodation can quickly add up. We would like to support choir members who might find the costs difficult and offer bursaries towards the costs for those who need it.
Please donate to our bursary fund if you can afford it.
Any amount helps, no matter what size. Donate cash/cheque in a choir session, or by bank transfer:
- Account name: Spectrum Choir
- Acct: 12687259
- Sort: 40-20-30
- Please clearly mark the transaction description as a bursary donation.
Or donate online now:
If you need to claim from the bursary fund
If you’d like to attend but aren’t sure you can afford it without financial support, please get in touch as soon as possible. Contact a member of the committee or email committee@spectrumdevon.org.uk, or speak to a committee member, outlining how much support you’d need.
All claims will be treated in confidence. We’ll look at all claims, allocate funds and let you know what support we can offer by Tues 5th February. You’ll have an opportunity to confirm your attendance and register with Hand in Hand at this point.